A web of intrigue unfolds when a professional killer, Sattu, is tasked with kidnapping industrialist Sudhakar Rana’s family. Meanwhile unaware of the danger, Sudhakar’s daughter, Ishika becomes entangled with a manipulative drug peddler, Lucky. As secrets and hidden motives emerge, the film takes audiences on a thrilling journey of suspense and unexpected revelations.
Options | Quality | Language | Size | Clicks | Added | User |
Download | 1080p HQ | Gujarati | 5.38 GB | 137 | 4 months | BollyHolly |
Download | 1080p | Gujarati | 2.21 GB | 97 | 4 months | BollyHolly |
Download | 720p | Gujarati | 2.89 GB | 133 | 4 months | BollyHolly |